Tuesday, 25 June 2019

More Beastmen

The last group of Beastmen I painted:

all the beastwomen from Maiden Head Miniatures I painted until now:

all the middlehammer beastmen painted until now:

a picture of both the group together:

Thursday, 6 June 2019

More Beastmen

More Beastmen, including two maidenhead beastwomen and two middlehammer citadel beastmen:

all the middlehammer and maidenhead miniature I painted until now. I've still 8 beastmen to paint (2 maidenhead beastwomen and 6 middlehammer beastmen).

Monday, 3 June 2019


A group of Beastmen I painted. Two middlehammer beastmen and three maidenhead beastwomen (the centigor was yet painted last time).