Sunday, 24 December 2023

BROTHERHOOD Inquisitor (54mm)

Hi and Merry Christmas! (first time I finish to paint a miniature during the eve of Christmas 😉 )
Recently I bought some 54mm resin miniatures done by a guy for a private project, ispired by the classic Mutant Chronicles. Here the first I've painted: The Brotherhood Inquisitor.

A scale comparison with a 28mm miniature:

Another scale comparison with other 54mm miniatures:

 The original Art from which the miniature is ispired:


  1. Gorgeous figs. Very lovely paint jobs. The third fig on the right has a strong XCOM Advent trooper that as intended or is he a mutant chronicles fig too? Merry xmas!

    1. Hi, Thanks. Do you mean the guy with blue armor? It is a miniature I painted for a friend, If I remember well it is ispired by the Mass Effect game. The yellow/green alien is from the Nemesis boardgame.

  2. Ace paintwork mate, definitely catches attention!!!
