Friday, 9 March 2018

My Toys Room

Here some pictures of my Toys Room, with my painted miniatures, vintage toys and a costume of Cobra Commander on a mannequin. I could not use the original long gloves, too tight for the mannequin hands, then for now I used some cut old leather gloves.


  1. There are so many mouthwatering items there, KJ. But the Cobra Commander costume is astounding. I hope you wear it on suitable occasions (weddings? funerals??).
    But most astounding of all are your miniature cabinets. Holy cow - it's a true treasury.
    I hope this whole set up brings you a lot of pleasure -- there's clearly a lot of time and love built into it.

    1. Thanks :) I used the Cobra Commander costumes in some events (LuccaComics, Cartoomics, Torinocomics, Vinadio Comics), but in the last 3 years I didn't wear it. Actually in Italy the G.I. Joes are known only by few guys of my age and I could not find many other costume players with Cobra uniforms with which to parade, also few guys (especially younger, of course) recognize the character of Cobra Commander during these events... then at least I used the CC costume with the mannequin. I play or played with all the painted miniature in my cabinets.

  2. This is great! Thanks for sharing the photos of the cabinets. Immense.

  3. I love this room! Brilliant hobby space.

  4. Hi I'm a Joe Collector and I have some stuff to trade Maybe you can find piece that can interest you !
    You can contact me here :

    1. Hi, thanks but at the moment I'm not trading or buying gi joes. Maybe I could be interestend about some italian carded gi joes, but I could have nothing to trade for, and at the moment I'm saving money for buying miniatures to paint and play ;)
