Thursday 18 June 2020

[Battle Report] Hero for DUNGEONQUEST

Today I played my second SOLO game with the classic 1987 year boardgame DUNGEONQUEST, using my painted miniature from Heroes for DUNGEONQUEST: Sir Roland the Knight.

The object of the game is to enter the ruins of Dragonfire Castle at dawn when the castle's guardian dragon falls asleep, navigate a labyrinth to the dragon's hoard at the center of the castle, and exit the castle.

Sir Roland looked  up at the castle, which was bathed in an ankward sunlight, which softened the grim image that was burned in his mind. "There isn't a man alive now who has been into the Castle and returned".

Overview of the board:

 Sir Roland meet some Vampire Bats in a room.
"Loathsome creatures! You won't stop me from going on!"

Sir Roland find a Dead Adventurer and collects from his corpse some Golden Guineas 20GP.
"Poor man! May he rest in peace..."

Sir Roland meet a Mounain Troll in a Room, he choose to Wait & See and the Troll Flee.
"Pitiful coward! I thought the monsters of this castle were more courageous..."

Sir Roland receive a Sneak Attack from a Troll (probably the same that fled), he is injured but defeat the Troll. "Vile creature! This will be your last heinousness! Prepare to DIE!"

Sir Roland find another Dead Adventurer and collects a Necklace 150GP from the Corpse.
"Another poor man perished in this diabolical place... I'm sorry good man, but you will not need this treasure anymore..."

Sir Roland finally arrive in the Treasure Room. He is lucky, the Dragon is sleeping. He collects two Treasure of 250GP and 2200GP value.
"Blessed be the gods... The Dragon is sleepy..."

The Torch of Sir Roland Goes Out, but he will turn the flashlight back on in the next turn.

 Sir Roland find a Crypt, inside it there is a Potion.

 Sir Roland try to open a closed door but it is jammed shut.

Sir Roland meet a Mountain Troll he choose to Wait & See and fight with him. He is injured but defeat the Troll.
"This place abounds of disgusting Trolls!" DIE horrible creature!"

Sir Roland find another Crypt, but there is a Trap inside.
"It's a TRAP!"

Sir Roland is attacked by a Giant Spider, he is injured and will defeat it in the next turn.
"Another Monster! Seem that the Gods abandoned me! But I will not give up!"

Sir Roland find another Dead Adventurer collecting a Potion that he will use to cure himself in the next turn. "Thanks dear friend, your healing potion will save me."

Unfortunatelly, Sir Roland meet his fate in the next room. A Bottomless pit. He roll a 7 with d12, more than his agility of 4 and then could not avoid to fall on it.
"YAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaargggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! ... ?! By the Gods! This pit seem really Bottomless!"

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