Sunday, 25 November 2018

[Pulp Alley Battle Report] G.I. Joe: Battle for the radar outpost

Today I played a Pulp Alley game with my gi joe miniatures. I was the Cobra player while my friend used Gi Joes.

"An abandoned military radar outpost received some precious informations from a hijacked satellite , causing a race between G.I. Joe and Cobra to gain possession of it."

Major plot point: the Radar Tower
Minor plot points: petrol deposit, bunker, two anti-tank obstacles.
NOTE: the anti-tank obstacles obstruct the passage to the vehicles, until the challenge is won.

Overview of the board and deployment of the leagues:

The Leagues:

G.I. Joe Team 10 slots (Models: 12)

Leader (0): Sergeant DUKE
H d10 B 3d10 S 3d10 D 3d10 M 3d10 F 2d8 C 2d8
Abilities: Ispiring, Veteran, Dashing. Weapon kit: Submachine Gun

Sidekick (3): Scarlett
H d8 B 2d6 S 4d8 D 3d8 M 2d6 F 3d8 C 2d6
Abilities: Eagle-Eyed, Marksman

Ally (2): MOBAT Driver (Steeler)
H d6 B 1d6 S 3d6 D 1d6 M 1d6 F 2d6 C 1d6
Abilities: Marksman, Weapon kit: Submachine Gun

x5 Gang (2): G.I. Joes Team (Zap, Flash, Hawk, Breaker, Grunt)
H - B 3d6 S 3d6 D 1d6 M 3d6 F 1d6 C 1d6
Ability: Armed. Weapon kit: Submachine Gun

x3 Followers (3): MOBAT Light and Medium Gunners (Green Shirts):
H d6* B 1d6 S 2d6 D 1d6 M 1d6 F 1d6 C 1d6
Abilities: Marksman. Weapon kit: Submachine Gun

MOBAT Tank (10pt)
Armor 2 Size 3 Reliability d10 Passegers 4
Vehicle (Enclosed, Md. Armor, Md. Gun, Lt. Gun)
Medium Gun (Turret, Rapid fire, Advanced, Piercing)
Light Gun (Turret, Advanced)
More (Glacis, Reinforced, Lumbering)

without Destro and Scarface

COBRA Command 14 slots (Models: 23)
Perk (1): Jack of all trades

Leader (0): COBRA Commander
H d10 B 3d10 S 3d10 D 3d10 M 2d8 F 2d8 C 4d10
Abilities: Commander, Tactician, Clever. Weapon kit: Pistol

Sidekick (3): Major Bludd
H d8 B 3d6 S 4d8 D 2d6 M 3d8 F 2d8 C 2d6
Abilities: Veteran, Marksman. Weapon kit: Pistol

x5 Gang (2): Cobra Troopers
H - B 3d6 S 3d6 D 1d6 M 3d6 F 1d6 C 1d6
Ability: Armed. Weapon kit: Submachine Gun

x5 Gang (2): Cobra Troopers
H - B 3d6 S 3d6 D 1d6 M 3d6 F 1d6 C 1d6
Ability: Armed. Weapon kit: Submachine Gun

x5 Gang (2): Cobra Troopers
H - B 3d6 S 3d6 D 1d6 M 3d6 F 1d6 C 1d6
Ability: Armed. Weapon kit: Submachine Gun

x2 Followers(2): HISS tank Drivers
H d6* B 1d6 S 2d6 D 1d6 M 1d6 F 1d6 C 1d6
Abilities: Marksman. Weapon kit: Pistol

x2 Followers (2): HISS Tank Gunners (Cobra Troopers)
H d6* B 1d6 S 2d6 D 1d6 M 1d6 F 1d6 C 1d6
Abilities: Marksman. Weapon kit: Submachine Gun

x2 HISS Tanks (10 gear points)
Armor 1 Size 2 Reliability d8 Passegers 2
Vehicle (Lt. Armor, Lt. Gun)
Light Gun (Turret, Advanced, Rapid Fire, Piercing)
More (Lumbering)

The Joes have the iniatitive and move towards the minor plot points.
Cobra Commander will enter in the game from the second turn.

Duke: "Move fast guys! This is a race and those who arrive second do not win any consolation prize!" 

Major Bludd win the anti-tank obstacle minor plot point and then the tanks can move with the infantry following.
Major Bludd: "We are close to our target! COBRA, Forward to the radar tower!"

The Mobat fire and destroy one of the hiss tanks, the crew and driver run away.
Cobra Commander: "Where are you fleeing?! Keep fighting!! ๐Ÿ˜ก
Hiss Driver: "I'm not paid to get myself killed!" ๐Ÿ˜จ

Duke run on the radar tower, ready to find the precious encoded informations hidden inside it.

Major Bludd win the bunker minor plot point, while Cobra Commander lead his troops toward the radar tower.
Cobra Commander: "Move fast you foolsssss! The encoded informationssss will be mine, and mine alone!" ๐Ÿ˜ค

The last HISS tank fire to the mobat tank, but fail to damage it, then the mobat fire too and the gunner is hit and flee.

A squad of cobra soldiers shot to the gi joe squad and defeat it, however scarlett do a counter-attack and the cobra squad is gone too.

Duke fail to win the radar tower major plot point and then is rushed from the major bludd.
Major Bludd: "You are too slow, Duke! I will not give you a second chance to steal the encoded informations!" ๐Ÿ˜ฃ
Duke: "I could say the same to you, Major Bludd!" ๐Ÿ˜’

Cobra Commander run to the radar tower.
The mobat fire to the cobra squad, but the toopers are fast and could avoid the damage from the gun.

The mobat collide with the cobra squads, and two troopers are gone.
Scarlett is defeated from a combined shoot of the cobra squads.
Scarlett: "I'm sorry Duke, You should continue the fight without me..." ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Cobra Commander win the radar tower major plot point.
Cobra Commander: "The encoded informationssss are mine! Miiiiiineeeee!!" ๐Ÿ˜€

Cobra Commander move on the HISS tank and takes the place of the fled gunner.
Cobra Commander: "The encoded informationssssss are in my hands! We have nothing to do here, now! Retreaaaaat!!" ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
HISS Driver: "As you wish, Cobra Commander!" ๐Ÿ˜™
The Mobat chases the hiss tank and fire to it, the hiss tank is damaged but not destroyed.
Duke, dodge the brawl from Major Bludd and leave the fight.
Duke: "I lost too much time fighting with the Major Bludd, now Cobra Commander is fleeing with the encoded informations!" ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ

The HISS tank moves away and the mobat could not reach it.
Major Bludd shoot to duke, both are injured.
Major Bludd: "You have lost, Duke! The Cobra are the winners!" ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

Cobra Commander: "COBRA Rulesssss!" ๐Ÿ˜

The Cobra have 3 points for the radar tower, 2 for the bunker and anti-tank obstacle minor plot points, while the gi joes have not points (scarlett lost the anti-tank obstacle minor plot point). The cobra WON.


  1. I could definitely imagine some of the dialogue right in an episode of GI Joe. Well done.

  2. Great looking game and table mate ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Very cool! Where are the GI Joe miniatures from?

    1. The gi joe miniatures are a private commission.
