I painted a Denizen and a Ral Partha miniature as Star Wars Pirates. These true 25mm miniatures have eyes really small (about 0,5mm or even less), in fact some of the eyes I painted are unsatisfactory (maybe I will try to correct them soon or later). Now I understand because some guys don't paint the eyes but leaves them black or in the shade. 😉
I was ispired by the Star Wars Pirate Captain Leonia Tavira and her bodyguard from a background character from Crimson Empire II comic book.
You are show casing some pretty cool unknown figs (to me at least). I like that you have clips of comic to show them as well. I, for one, rarely bother to paint eyes. Usually the shadow and highlighting of the face is suggestive enough. Also, it's a repetitive nightmare to make them look in the 'correct' direction I find.