Wednesday 3 March 2021

Star Wars - Tavira's Pirates

I painted five pirates as thugs of Leonia. It include two classic West End Games Star Wars aliens, a Grenadier Future Warriors Scavenger a Denizen miniature Bodyguard with ACR and a West Wind Production Montgnard (painted as a green skin alien with mask). I repainted the eyes of Leonia, now they are a little better.


  1. Another lovely collection of figures! The different scale isn't noticeable and gives the big guy a real sense of menace!

    Have you tried Ground Zero Games for more 25mm figures. They've got some really nice figures in their ranges that may be worth a peek for your project.

    1. Thanks. Yes the Ral Partha Bouncer's big size is fine because the guy is a huge bodyguard (about 230cm). I yet ordered some GZG miniatures, they should arrive soon or later. ;)
